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Call for admission to the PhD in Emerging Digital Technologies

  • Deadline for application submission 30.06.2016 - 13:00

Application online

The PhD Programme in Emerging Digital Technologies is a full-time, mandatory attendance three-year programme with an interdisciplinary approach, which provides an exhaustive training path with structured teaching and supervised research activities with a view to producing an original thesis to discuss in a public examination.

In line with the standards of excellence pursued by the School, the objective of the programme is to train a professional figure able to successfully integrate in both national and international public and private research facilities and in companies manufacturing products or service providers operating in the field of communication, information and perception technologies.

For further information:


Number of positions available

8 positions, of which:

6 positions with scholarship, funded by Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna divided among the curricula as follows:

- curriculum Embedded Systems: 2 positions

- curriculum Photonic Technologies: 2 positions

- curriculum Perceptual Robotics: 2 positions

1 position with scholarship reserved to applicants submitting a research project on the topic “Modular and Autonomous Operating Systems for Embedded Systems” (curriculum Embedded Systems). This position is funded, in the framework of the “Bando Vinci 2015”, by the “Università Italo-Francese”, within the project C3-146, submitted from the Scuola in partnership with the Université de Lille 1. The selected candidate will undertake his/her PhD Programme under the joint supervision of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Université de Lille 1.

1 position reserved to employees of the “Centro di Supporto e Sperimentazione Navale” (C.S.S.N.) of the Italian Navy, submitting a research project on the topic “Microwave Photonics for Defence Applications” (curriculum Photonic Technologies).

Before the start of the courses, on the basis of specific agreements between the Scuola Sant’Anna and external bodies, the following positions may also be activated:

- positions dedicated to specific industrial research activities, in partnership with organisations and private companies;

- positions intended for apprenticeship contracts, pursuant to article 11 of Italian Ministerial Decree no. 45/2013 and article 5 of Italian Legislative Decree 167/2011 (High-level Apprenticeship PhD);

- positions reserved for employees of companies which perform research and development activities, pursuant to article 11 of Italian Ministerial Decree no. 45/2013 (Industrial PhD).

More information in attachments.